Folder - адаптивный HTML5/CSS3 шаблон
Folder - адаптивный HTML5/CSS3 шаблон
Шаблон практически идентичен шаблону «Modus», так как выполнен одними и теми же разработчиками. Потерпел изменения только слайдер в шапке.
Responsive Showcase Perfect for Creatives and Designers.
Folder is a responsive HTML 5 template that adapts to any devices and browser sizes. Perfect for creatives showcase and business. Its retro and minimal design gives importance to the content and gives a friendly air to the visitors.
Unlimited colors in a exclusive styleshee
Responsive Design
Working contact form
Flexible slider and Image lof slider
jQuery enhanced
Easily customizable
Drop down menus
5 different page layouts
Isotope image gallery
Working Contact Form
LESS files included
Adaptive Navigation
Post Formats
Audio Player
Extensive Documentation

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Шаблон практически идентичен шаблону «Modus», так как выполнен одними и теми же разработчиками. Потерпел изменения только слайдер в шапке.
Responsive Showcase Perfect for Creatives and Designers.
Folder is a responsive HTML 5 template that adapts to any devices and browser sizes. Perfect for creatives showcase and business. Its retro and minimal design gives importance to the content and gives a friendly air to the visitors.
Unlimited colors in a exclusive styleshee
Responsive Design
Working contact form
Flexible slider and Image lof slider
jQuery enhanced
Easily customizable
Drop down menus
5 different page layouts
Isotope image gallery
Working Contact Form
LESS files included
Adaptive Navigation
Post Formats
Audio Player
Extensive Documentation

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