Airplanes Rank
Airplanes Rank
Автор: silasje1
Here is a very clean and complete rank images.
They are created with free images and carrys the GNU General Public License, version 3 (GPLv3) license.
The build up of the ranks: numb 1 to 5 is the first row, 1 is lowest, 5 highest
Gold: this is the serie that follow upon the normal series.
other: they apply to admin, mod and site admin
Скачать иконки, картинки званий и рангов -

Автор: silasje1
Here is a very clean and complete rank images.
They are created with free images and carrys the GNU General Public License, version 3 (GPLv3) license.
The build up of the ranks: numb 1 to 5 is the first row, 1 is lowest, 5 highest
Gold: this is the serie that follow upon the normal series.
other: they apply to admin, mod and site admin
Скачать иконки, картинки званий и рангов -

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